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    Postcode finder using data supplied by royal mail

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  “PostZon” Geographic Data - Data Retuned

This type of license returns:

Fieldname Description
postcode Postcode in the PostZon record
latitude_wgs84 Latitude.
This equals zero if not co-ordinates are available, see extra notes below
longitude_wgs84 Longitude
geodistancetohomepostcode Distance from HOME postcode in Kilometres
-1 = Error
introductiondate Date introduced to file
gridrefeast Ordnance Survey 100m Easting and Northing measurements that refer to the distance east and north from a fixed point just South West of the Isles of Scilly. They indicate the mean centre point of a Postcode to 100m.
gridrefnorth Ordnance Survey 100m Easting and Northing measurements that refer to the distance east and north from a fixed point just South West of the Isles of Scilly. They indicate the mean centre point of a Postcode to 100m.
county Administrative and Local Health Authority codes used by the office of national statistics (2 Digits)
Description is after the ","
district Administrative and Local Health Authority codes used by the office of national statistics (2 Digits)
Description is after the ","
ward Local Authority Ward Codes in England and Wales are comprised of six characters - the first two digits represent the county, the next two alphabetic characters identify the Local Authority and the last two characters represent the electoral ward of the Postcode. Unitary Authorities in England, Wales and Scotland are four-character fields represented by the Local Authority and the Ward. In Northern Ireland, the 6 characters are made up of 95 plus a letter from A - Z followed by a space and the electoral Ward.
Description is after the ","
usertype 0=Small User, 1=Large UserDescription is after the ","
gridstatus Status of grid co-ordinates.  Latitude is zero if no grid co-ordinates are available, see extra notes below.
Description is after the ","
1 = Within building (good referance point)
2 = Approx within 50m (reasonable referance point)
3 = Approximate location (1 mile)
4 = No coordintates (No referance point)
5 = PO Box (No referance point)
country 064="England"
152="Northern Ireland"
044="Channel Islands"
128="Isle of Man"Description is after the ","
wardstatus Description is after the ","
nhs_code A three character code which identifies the Health Authority or board responsible for funding patient care within each Postcode.
Description is after the ","
nhs_region NHS Codes   
Description is after the "," 
osreference OS Reference. 
e.g PE132QL ="TF4630009100"
This is our national coordinate system for topographic mapping. It is used for Ordnance Survey mapping at all scales, and for many private topographic surveys.

The OSGB36 part of the name refers to the geodetic datum (system of latitude and longitude) used, and the National Grid part refers to the map projection and grid referencing convention for eastings and northings
mailsort Is a unique 5-digit numeric codes used internally by Royal Mail to route mailbags.  They are also used by external customers with Mailsort contracts, which is why they are present in the data.

The fields of main interest are:

Easting and Northings, the OS easting of the outcode, distance in metres due east from the south west of the UK.

Longitude and Latitude, using the WGS84 geodetic datum, used for mapping, and calculating distance between two postcodes

OS reference, OS representation of the location

Postcode, returned when searching by OS Ref, or Longitude/Latitude

  This data is available through our programming interfaces only, and can be retrieved by Postcode, OS Ref, or Longitude/Latitude. These interfaces also contain functions for working out the distance between two postcodes.

  Postcodes, which relate to PO Boxes, are not included in this file, because they DO NOT have a location.

  The accuracy of the Longitude/Latitude varies. Can be between 10-150 m