“PostZon” Geographic Data:
“PostZon” data, or geographic data, primarily provides postcode to Longitude and Latitude conversion. This conversation can be used to calculate the straight line distance between two postcodes, which is provided in all of our API offerings.
This data can be taken to the next level to provide a “Nearest Store/Service” locator for a web site. This provides your customers a means of finding their nearest store, given their home postcode.
More information about Nearest Store/Service locator.
PostZon Data Uses/Features:
Data returned
This is specialised data such as OS reference, Longitude, Latitude, NHS District , Health Authority codes, Local Authority Electoral Ward codes. The PostZon data has been consolidated from various sources, such as Ordinate Services, NHS, etc. The most useful information is Longitude and Latitude.
Note: Some Postcodes return no PostZon Data, such as PO
Boxes. It is a good idea to test any bespoke program against
such postcodes. Examples are AB10 1BH, AB10 1DQ, AB10 1DU,
AB10 1EP.
Distance between two postcodes
The distance between two postcodes can be returned. Simply call with Postcode and “Home postcode” provided in the parameters. Our service will then return the distance in km. So approximate charges could be applied to a customer based on the straight line distance.
Postcode to Longitude/Latitude
This is the main use of PostZon data. Simply call with the target Postcode and the PostZon data service will return the Longitude and Latitude. Ideal for mapping and calculating distances.
Longitude/Latitude to Postcode
To get the PostZon record by Longtitude/Latitude, (closest within 10Km) set postcode to the "Longtitude|Latitude" (separated by |). The Postcode found will be returned in pz_postcode.
Town to Longitude/Latitude
To get the Longitude and Latitude of a Town, simply provide the Town name + “,SPACE“ + County in the postcode field. The Longitude and Latitude will then be returned. It is suggested that the town list is displayed using a AJAX search box.
Using the "Postzon" Geographical Data
The "Postzon" Geographical Data is accessed by one of our
extensive API’s. Simply click on the link below, and expand
the appropriate API section. All "Postzon" Geographical Data
is list under each API interface.
Related "Geographic" topics
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