FAQ:UK Postcode Areas
If you use our Internet based data we can supply any number of UK Postcode Areas. This is a less expensive solution than the normal full address license. To purchase these you must ring us to place the order.
Access to single or multiple postcode areas can be given for internal use only.
See prices for Internal Postcode Address Finder for more information.
Access can be given to PE,CB,LN, which would be £60+£5+£5=£70 per year, per user.
London = N, NW, SW, SE, W, WC, E and EC postcode areas. This would cost £60+(£5*7)=£95, per user, per year.
Inside M25 = N,NW,SW,SE,W,WC,E,EC,EN,CM,WD,SL,AL,RH,IG,RM,DA,BR,TN, CR,SM,KT,TW,HA and UB postcode areas. This would cost £60+(£5*24) = £185, per user, per year.
UK Postcode Area Map
Please contact us to purchase Postcode Area licenses.
We cannot offer multiple postcode areas for local data, and only for
Internal user based Full PAF licenses.
We can set a maximum of 30 Postcode Areas.