Postcode Address
Search Options:
Our Postcode Address Search Software, has two levels of address searching::
Full Postcode Address Search Information
Full Address Search, which uses Royal Mail Post Office Address File (PAF) information. You simply enter the postcode and search. A list of addresses, for that postcode, is then presented for selection.
An additional feature of this Full Address license is the Advanced Search function, which allows for address searching based on partial address words.
Thoroughfare/Street Address Search Information
Thoroughfare/Street Address Search, again uses the Royal Mail Post Office Address File (PAF).
Simply returns the address record, less the Organisation name, Building name or number. The user then has to manually enter the Building Name/Number.
Full Address Search License: Postcode Finder Functionality:
Search by Postcode
Simply enter a postcode in the finder software search box, then press find:
Then double click on desired address in list to get full Royal Mail PAF Address from given postcode.
The selected address is then returned. In the case of our Windows Desktop Postcode Finder Software, the address is then pasted back to your favourite windows application automatically, thus speeding up data entry.
See postcode address finder software working with common windows applications or how to add Postcode finder software software for web
Demonstration Video
0:00 | Searching for a Postcode | |
1:52 | Refining the search | |
1:47 | Advanced search |
Speed Postcode Search
For speed, the user can enter the house number or the start of the house name after postcode.
So for example, entering "PO7 4RW,ma" will find every house beginning with "ma"
Please Note: Excessive searches, without
using the address, will be charged for if using an Internal
Credit Pack.
This type of Full Address search is available in the Desktop Software and COM object, .NET Assembly, HTTP/XML Web Service, JSON Web Service, SOAP Web Service for programmers.
It can easily be implemented on your web site using our Web Postcode Address Finder Software
Full Address Search License: Advanced Address Search Options:
The full address search offers an "Advanced Search" facility for internal use. Clicking on the [Advanced Search] button, on our desktop software, allows the user to enter address criteria.
Video : Show me the Search Options
A customer may not know the Postcode for their address but will know parts of the address, such as:
I live at Number "8", "Victoria Rd" in a town called "Wisbech"
So we enter:
or get all streets containing a word, beginning with "Vict*"
Tip: Always try to perform the search as above. Simply use start of words which are distinctive, such as "vict*" for "Victoria Rd"
If my company is called "M & J Accoustics" in "Cambridgeshire"
I live at a house called "Buckingham House", in a City called "London"
Results in:
Note: The Advanced search
facility is a
The Advanced address word search is available in the Desktop Software and COM object, .NET Assembly, HTTP/XML Web Service, JSON Web Service, SOAP Web Service for programmers.
The Advanced address word search can be added to your own web application by using our Web Postcode Address Finder Software when used for internal use.
Thoroughfare/Street : Postcode Address Search:
Having entered the postcode to search for, this returns partial address from given Postcode. The user then must enter the premises name/number for the postal address manually.
This type of license is half the price of FULL address, but not so convenient since the user has to type the Name or Number of building.
When using the thoroughfare/street address license the user must enter the building name or number, before using the address
The Desktop Address Finder Software can be forced to
always use a Thoroughfare/Street License by selecting "Options
>> Use Thoroughfare License" menu. This allows some
users to use Full PAF Postcode Lookup Address searching, and
others to use the cheaper PAF thoroughfare licenses.
Demonstration Video
0:00 | Searching for a Postcode | |
1:20 | How to evaluate on desktop software |