Simply Postcode Software
JSON Web Service:
Simply Postcode Lookup JSON Web service offers a simple way to interact with our postcode address lookup service. A simple web request URL returns JSON which can be read by almost any programming language. This service provides up to date Royal Mail address information, that is updated daily.
This data source can be used by any web server or programming language that supports a server-side scripting language that can parse JSON data, to provide Postcode Software Lookup and Nearest Store locator within your software/Web site.
The service is available across a simple HTTP protocol. Each request is a standard HTTP GET request with the query string forming the request parameters, and returns the address Lookup information as JSON data feed.
SOAP Web Service Offers:
- Full Address Search, enter postcode, presents a list, address is selected. Full address returned.
- Advanced/Word search, enter part address, presents a list, address is selected. Full address returned.
- Street Address, enter postcode, returns address, less house name/number. User enters house number.
- Geographic Data, get Longitude and Latitude from Postcode, or distance between two postcodes.
- Account summary, shows usage, and license details.
- Reseller functions, open an account and connect to your reseller account.
- Example Code
JSON Web Service Features:
The JSON Web Service has the following features:
- Platform/Language independent
- Offers full access to all data we provide (Full/Thoroughfare/Geographic Longitude and Latitude)
- Data always up to date
- No Data Administration Cost for you
- Advanced Word Search on Address Data