Get Long/Lat from COM Object using PostZon Data:
To get a "Postzon" Geographical Data address from our COM Object we do the following:
Distance between two postcodes
The distance between two postcodes can be returned. Simply call with Postcode and “Home postcode” provided in the parameters. Our service will then return the distance in km. So approximate charges could be applied to a customer based on the straight line distance.
Postcode to Longitude/Latitude
This is the main use of PostZon data. Simply call with the target Postcode and the PostZon data service will return the Longitude and Latitude. Ideal for mapping and calculating distances.
Getting PostZon Data using the COM Object
Step 1 Sign up for trial
Simply use the "Sign Up for Trial" link at top right of this page to open a trial account. We will then send you a data key, which is used to identify your account, when using the following service.
Step 2 Creating the COM Object
The COM object install routine, “InstallSimplyPostcodeCOM.EXE” , is in the root directory of our example code. Or you can include the required files, found in directory "COM Object\COM Object Files", in your own install routine to ship with your bespoke software.
Add a COM Reference to our COM object, “ISimplyPostCodeCOMClass”SimplyPostCodeLookup.dll, within your programming language.
![]() |
Dim SimplyPostCodeLookup As New SimplyPostCode |
Step 3 Specify the Data Key
The Data Key will have been sent to you via an e-mail when you opened the account. It is also available under the “Data Key” tab of the online admin window. For the .NET Assembly you should use the data key beginning with "I_".
![]() |
SimplyPostCodeLookup.SetDataKey(“I_KD352jKKHhk2GAFFKDU”) |
Step 4 Call GetPostZonAddressRecord to get PostZon Data from postcode
Simply call GetPostZonAddressRecord (Postcode) as Boolean
This call will retrieve the PostZon Data for a given Postcode, OSRef, Longitude/Latitude or "Town, County". This PostZon data is collected from many different source by the Royal mail. The most useful information is Distance from Home Postcode (in Kilometers), Longitude and Latitude.
This call can be used with Local Data or Internet based
To get the PostZon record by OSRef, simply set postcode to the OSRef, when calling GetPostZonData.
To get the PostZon record by Longtitude/Latitude,
(closest within 10Km) set postcode to the "Longtitude|Latitude"
(separated by |).
Postcode Lookup Example:
This code will get PostZon data from our database:
![]() |
'Set Data key, to identify your
account |
![]() |
'Set Data key, to identify your
account |
![]() |
//Set Data key, to identify
your account |
To get distance between two points
Simply call:
GetDistance(Latitude1, Longtitude1, Latitude2,
Longtitude2) As Double
Step 4 Testing
Final step is to test, to enable easy testing please use our special test postcodes.
Geographic Data lookup Software - Example Code
Simply download the example code. The code is in the "COM Object/C++ COM Object","COM Object/MS Access 2000 onwards","COM Object/MS Excel using COM", "COM Object/VB6 COM Example","COM Object/VBNET COM 2005" directory of our example downloads.
You must run InstallSimplyPostcodeCOM.EXE included in the above download.
These examples demonstrate postcode lookup software using PostZon data.
Calculating Distance between:
GetDistance(Latitude1, Longtitude1, Latitude2, Longtitude2) As Double
The above function returns the distance between two Postcodes, but we offer the following function to allow you to workout the distance between two address, given the Longitude, Latitude
Returns in Kilometers as a double
This function can be used if you want to workout the nearest store address to as customers entry, since the Longitude and Latitude can be stored for all of your stores. Then simply call this and sort to get the nearest store.
Data Returned:
This type of license returns: (see example below)
Public PostZon_IntroductionDate As String
Public PostZon_Gridrefeast As String
Public PostZon_Gridrefnorth As String
Public PostZon_County As String
Public PostZon_District As String
Public PostZon_Ward As String
Public PostZon_Usertype As String
Public PostZon_Gridstatus As String (accuracy of the geographic data)
Public PostZon_Country As String
Public PostZon_Wardstatus As String
Public PostZon_NHS_code As String
Public PostZon_NHS_region As String
Public PostZon_Latitude_wgs84 As String
Public PostZon_Longitude_wgs84 As String
Public PostZon_OSreference As String
'This is not supported at present but may be in future
Public PostZon_DistanceToHomePostcode As String
'Distance from Home Postcode
More infromation on Geographic data returned