Postcode Software for IRIS Enterprise Accounts:
IRIS Exchequer Enterprise Software, top financial accounting package, is greatly enhanced when using our desktop Postcode Software. It speeds up address data entry when entering/taking orders, by allowing the user to simply search for an address by providing the Postcode, or partial address. The Full address is written to the IRIS Exchequer address fields, with relatively few key strokes, by our Postcode Software.
Postcode Lookup Software reduces addressing errors, which causing returns, lost goods, etc.
The video below shows our Postcode Lookup Desktop Software being used to populate Customer IRIS Exchequer Address record and delivery address in IRIS Enterprise Accounts Software:
Postcode Finder Software for IRIS Enterprise Accounts Software:
Our Postcode Finder software works "out of the box" with IRIS Exchequre from IRIS Enterprise Software.
We can log in and setup our postcode address finder software for you other favourite windows application if need be.
Our Postcode Finder Software provides Address lookup in the following areas
Use our Postcode Address Finder Desktop Software to populate Customer Address and delivery address in IRIS Enterprise Accounts Package. This can speed up data entry by 80% and reduce data entry errors in IRIS Enterprise.
The Desktop Postcode Software can be then used with many common applications, such as Word, Excel, Financial and CRM packages such as Goldmine and Sage ACT.
How to use Postcode Finder Software for IRIS Enterprise Accounts Software:
The above video shows Postcode Lookup Software for IRIS Excehquer from IRIS Enterprise Software.
Simply activate using:
to activate the lookup software.
Enter Postcode, or use
partial word search.
Search options with Postcode Finder Software
Select Address
from list of address at postcode
The Postcode Finder Software will then enter the selected address into IRIS Exchequer Enterprise Accounts Software Customer/Supplier record or delivery address.
Download and instructions for Desktop Postcode software are here to get you up and running in
Desktop Postcode Finder Software Demonstration with common applications:
Our postcode software works “out of the box” with many different applications, some of which are shown in the following demonstrations: