Postcode Software for Microsoft CRM:
Efficiency is increase when using Postcode Software with Microsoft CRM. In deed up to 80% of key strokes can be reduced by using Postcode Lookup Software.
The user simply moves to the first line of the address, and activate the postcode address search software from the first line of the address in Microsoft CRM address fields.
The user can search by Postcode, or partial address, to return the full address information automatically back to the Microsoft CRM address fields. Thus reducing addressing errors which cause additional costs due to shipping errors.
The video below shows Postcode Lookup Software for Microsoft CRM to populate contact record:
Postcode Finder Software for Microsoft CRM:
Simply activate,
the software, by pressing:
to activate the lookup software.
Enter Postcode, or use advanced
word search.
Search options provided by Postcode finder software
Select Address
from list
The Postcode Finder Software will then enter the selected address into Microsoft CRM Software contact record
You have now entered the correct address, from the Royal Mail Address file, by using Postcode Address Lookup Software with Microsoft CRM Software
Postcode desktop software download and instructions are here to get you up and running in minutes
Postcode Finder Software for Microsoft CRM:
Our Postcode Finder software works "out of the box" with Microsoft CRM Software and many other common windows applications.
Our Postcode Finder Software provides Address lookup in the following areas
Desktop Postcode Finder Software Demonstration with common applications:
Our postcode software works “out of the box” with many different applications, some of which are shown in the following demonstrations: